我们每周以基督为中心一起敬拜, Spirit-filled, dynamic, 以及各种各样的聚会,让我们学会爱神, one another, and the world around us.
We grow best in community, 在NPU有充足的机会在学生的支持下,在基督和他的国度里一起成长, encourage, 彼此挑战,使自己更像基督,一生追求他的天职.
We pursue a commitment to love, 怜悯和正义,为学生提供了许多机会,让他们通过在当地共同服务,把他们的信仰付诸行动, nationally, and globally.
Experience Chapel and CollegeLife
Check out these recordings of Chapel and CollegeLife 来了解一下你们将在周三早上和周日晚上听到的内容.
Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Rah
Chapel, March 17, 2021
Pastor Susie Gamez
Chapel, March 24, 2021
York Mystery Plays
看看每周三上午10:30-11:30上演的约克悬疑剧选段吧.m. during weekly chapel. Learn more.
Student Stories
Get Involved
CollegeLife and Chapel
加深你的信仰,并参与你的社区 CollegeLife and Chapel. Serve the community by joining the worship arts ministry.
深入了解我们的信仰和社区 LifeGroups and Prayer Ministry.
Global Partnerships
体验跨文化旅行来探索你的信仰, worldview, 并致力于一种仁慈和正义的生活方式 Global Partnerships.
Urban Outreach
Programs of presence, programming, 政策邀请你参与到城市中来, nation, and world through Urban Outreach.
Athletic Ministries
将信仰融入到你的运动和生活的每一个方面,通过我们的学生运动员 Athletic Ministries and Huddle gatherings.
Sankofa Experience
The Sankofa Experience 北园大学的课程包括阅读, films, classes, 以及社区会议,讨论种族的社会建构及其对其他身份的影响.